Practical Programming for Strength Training: Review and Summary Notes

Practical Programming for Strength Training: (3rd Edition) by Mark Rippetoe and Andy Baker
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This book describes why the Strength Recovery Adaptation cycle is the key to improving athletic performance, and how you can optimize for it in your training.
I wrote a more in-depth summary of what I learned from this book in this blog post: I tried 21 diet and exercise programs. None of them worked. Except for one.
Chapters 1-6 are critical. Chapter 7 and onwards you can return to once you are more experienced.
Compared to Starting Strength, Practical Programming is more strategic, whereas Starting Strength is more tactical. Start with Practical Programming first and then watch the videos (or get a coach).
Try to get the latest edition instead of any older editions, as it’s been updated with more nuanced experience and advice. The paperback version is also easier to work with than the hardcover version.