
Giv2Giv is a nonprofit crowdfunded endowment platform that distributes the income from the user’s investment to the charities they want to support. The charity receives grants from the endowment every 90 days for life.
Giv2Giv needed front-end code for large sections of the website, and I created an entirely new UI for them including a primary user dashboard and an interactive HTML5 animation on the landing page that succinctly informs the user about how Giv2Giv works, leading to increased user engagement.
I also extended their custom JavaScript MVC framework by building new features into their routing system based on Crossroads.js—their framework had no documentation and I had to learn the stack quickly in order to gain a deep understanding of the internal workings of the software infrastructure rather than relying on the “magic” present in other popular JavaScript frameworks.
Source code on GitHub.
Bill is friendly and enjoyable to work with, bringing a “can do” attitude to the table. Most importantly, Bill has an insatiable curiosity. In my work as a C-level executive building teams from a wide range of applicants, I cannot stress how desirable this singular trait is.
Bill was presented with an immature stack of unfamiliar technology. He was able to quickly research, integrate and subsequently extend several technologies […] His dedication allowed the team to meet a key deadline with a product that eclipsed the specifications. Throughout the process, the other members of the team benefited greatly from his energy, ability and acumen.